Phillip Hesterさんのプロフィール画像

Phillip Hesterさんのイラストまとめ

I write and draw comics for your pleasure.

フォロー数:3162 フォロワー数:42281

On his birthday, let's look at examples of Bernie Wrightson's preparatory Swamp Thing work in my collection... and despair at their perfection.

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Once tabled next to Timm and watched him crank out hit after hit with but a humble Sharpie. He might've crafted this beauty with Hy-Vee watercolors or grade school map pencils. The swordsman who can defeat you without unsheathing his blade. A golf pro out-driving you with a 2x4.

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The great Alex Nino, still daring as all heck in his old age.

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Ollie's foreplay is unorthodox.

52 453

I think I've said before my favorite super-hero looks are actually transformed bodies (Thing, Hulk, Human Torch, Surfer, Swamp Thing). But as far as clothing goes, hard to top these:

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IMO, the most potent origin images in super hero comics. Banner pays for his actions, but only because he equivocates and tries to salvage his humanity at the last second. Too late. The fire you started, turned your back to, is burning your intellect off right through your skull.

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I think about how Bernie Wrightson changed the way he drew Swamp Thing--a character he created--over time to reflect changes in the look established by later artists. What an ability to shed ego and explore possibilities.

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Hello again, chum.

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CANKOR by is a singular achievement. A great meditation on how images and tropes consumed while a kid are intractable in the mind of a creative person, even (maybe especially) in the midst of personal upheaval. Here's a preview:

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