

24 | Art n' stuff | haver of an unreasonable love of musicals | mother of a lizard | Punromantic | she/her Commission info \/…

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OK Starting art catchup with a character I have been playing for a few months who I LOOOOVE
She’s a Super adorable Warforged Sorcerer named Mala,
also, I drew 4 generations of her family... cause YA know Why not

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And so it begins. These are my 7 new children, They are beautiful trash and I love them

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So I sent these to a friend and he sent me some of his dice for more inspiration XD
The ble dice just put that dress in my head, so full body on that one XD

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ok been in a bit of an art rut, BUT I saw this tweet and I was inspired to make people out of my own dice sets! might be more of this comin'

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I spent 8hrs on these
I'm dead.
BUT those predictions! The inspiration struck I had to heed the call

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This game is all I draw now, and I have embraced that
*muppet babies theme plays in the background*

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Inktober day 3 And with my lack of drawing for fun, has been a lack of Vast art, I will be planning to rectify this.

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100% sure I'm not the first to think of this, but it was too perfect not too

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