

Wubba dubba dubba, izat true? (he/him)……

フォロー数:208 フォロワー数:137

She wasn’t as big in her original game, so I think the artist they hired just had a particular fetish

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I must be a real shipper because I commissioned art of my rarepair.
D-Structs and Skrap-It by 🖤

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Fenrir by
Looking pretty darn majestic, he is! 🤩

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Carol Lyn Cain by
Very cool lighting!

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Omen Rey Orion by
Back into a battle damage mood! 🩸🩸🩸

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Imagine if Mr Pickles really could talk

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Fenrir by
I’m glad his silver/brown in the same eye heterochromia looks good owo

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The fun thing here is the artist colors in Dr. S's eyes in certain shots for emphasis but gives them different colors than in the show

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I mean now I get the vase/two faces optical illusion but back then this all went by so fast I never really understood the point they were trying to make.

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