She/her | 29 | Artist | 3d model maker | Sometimes uses my voice |
DemiPan (Icon by: @FunfettiPhantom )

フォロー数:2191 フォロワー数:221

I forgot two parts of the picture so here ya go lol

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I finally finished coloring this bless Kit my friend (Id link her profile but i dont link nsfw on main) but anyways nenjoy benji picture i did of the spare slot character for dnd uwu

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This is my character Dancer (also slightly tactician)! Perdita Ravenskull!! I've been playing something called fire emblem fallen kingdom on like twitch actually but we're trying to condence it down for youtube since ya know highlights and we end up laughing alot

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i blame for this x'D

Here is Rebbeca she's blind and has a dire wolf guide dog and is in her mid 20's in age and enjoys reading her books

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My Rebbeca I did a ref of Which i might color fully later when im not worn out beyond all nature known to man, I love her tho she's blind and can't see so i gave her a huge dire wolf companion~

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Currently its Miguel I love her closed eyes and soft nature, Plus her outfits are earthy victorian/Crusader clothing <3

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Mister squishy and Saraphina They are both fairly new I just tend to shit post about Mister squishy And Seraphina i need to draw fully since all i did was doll maker her (I did mister squishy after i drew him honestly i got lucky)

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T-There she is Saki my mistake, I was agressive in the naruto fandom if i where to reuse her i would change alot on it lmao (Is it obvious who i ship?)

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