

Bg by my lovely gf @LeafeonMuffin 💕💕
Gae/artist/ extroverted introvert/gurl/ social issues/ flowah

フォロー数:51 フォロワー数:1012


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he's oc shade is pretty cute, but his counter part nighty is adorable! Go check him out, he's a nice guy

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I was messing around In Ibis paint and got to this, cool

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Its 4:15 am here I should go to sleep ;w; help meh

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Still beatiful! You draw cutely, take your time on posting btw

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Finished art trade with , or at least my part, I decided to do something and do a rose and nec'rose ver. I want to cry

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Oh, wel if you want to, I dont want you to be streawed trying to pay back, but if thats the case here she is. I'm not proud of thsi one being honest, but here you go.

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Void flower messing around

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Si hay, es Mira a la nuez es la cosa mas tierna del mundo

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