

Drawing is a hobby of mine.

My main account is @CapricornAurora. Icon made by @buizelbub.

He/Them - genderfluid

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:388

Looks like Rhrellia is having a rough time. Even in the thick of it, they got to protect the tadpoles.

Had a lot of fun working out this pic. I just had a sudden need to practice my sharp angles.

6 23

Still in a world building mood, here's my first take of drawing an Ursrapod cub. Their hide isn't fully grown like the adult form, so they stick close to their parents for protection.

5 12

Two sleepy birds chilling together.

This was pretty fun to make. I'm feeling pretty good with my bird designs.

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Got tagged by to introduce myself and share my favorite art works. I mainly make alien OC's but I also enjoy making fan characters from my favorite games. My specialty is in ink and marker pics.

Don't know who likes being tagged, so I'll leave it open ended.

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Rinkol - "Plant dog research, day XX - The Zstars seem to enjoy their k-nine host... hopefully Oreo doesn't mind all the fallen leaves on the ship."

A fun marker pic idea thanks to with his Zstar plants.

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Another long over due ref I wanted to update. Looking back at the old ref, I seem to have gotten better at my feather details. It just feels smoother to make now.

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Alright, updated the Equiphro ref. And that's the last of the major aliens to work on. Now I can put more focus on expanding the setting's bio diversity.

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"These little guys just won't stop touching me...could this be their way to communicate?"

Did an art trade with of their cyshark Nitro. Looks like he's doing recon on Hygron and studying the wildlife.

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Updated the Bovyri ref. This one was looooooooong over due. Shortly after I made the first ref, it was already updated with the leg positions.

Pretty happy with this one.

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Updated another of my alien refs. This time I redid the Ursrapod. Got a new idea for how the tail mouth can look and added that. I find it helps add to their intimidation.

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