

Env/Gen at @ILMVFX

RSN: Pidgy

Open DMs

フォロー数:1229 フォロワー数:2614

animation is hard

1 29


I'm a Freelance 3D Generalist based in the UK who specalizes in probably too much. I tend to make whatever interests me.

3 35

There, fixed ur shit for u😊

0 52

You could bring them forward a pinch if you wanted them to be more free of the wings.

You might have some cool insight in this with your mad creature skills

0 2

First time I've had ZRemesher fuck up this much, wtf have you done to my face

0 10

Been working on a dragon, what do you guys think? Everything made by me minus the smoke/fire elements

4 64

A sketch I don't think I posted before

1 28

Sculpted Minecraft Steve in my last 15 mins of work today

0 21