Pierre Mortelさんのプロフィール画像

Pierre Mortelさんのイラストまとめ

Art, comics and animation straight out of rural France - prints available

フォロー数:271 フォロワー数:16434

I legit got paid to draw this. Life is good sometimes

23 325

Yo yo c’est moi qui ai fait cette BD! N’hésitez pas à utiliser la version française originale, et un p’tit crédit ne fait jamais de mal :p (PS je sais, pas de pain aux canards... moi je leur donne du steak haché!)

263 1030

Virus Saga, part IV : automated policing

8 83

👀👉 this one is a collab with the great pancakewendy on instagram, check her out I also wrote a comic for her to draw!

8 155

Hug it out, Friendos :3

102 1366

If you like check out the Neverchosen comic I do for ! Here are some oldies to get you started, newest ones are on their website

9 146

Don’t you love them sexy lil tomatoes

24 239