

🫡🤙🏽 Just a collector from the 808 #BTFD #TN1 #LFGrooooo $ETH $CRO $PORK $PNDC Tip Jar🫙: cheffurry.eth

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I’ve grown/learned so much from and their community. They even gave me the courage, energy, and support to start hosting spaces 🙌🏽

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A ship only sinks when the water around it, gets inside. 🙌🏽 Keep on sailin Cap’N

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but just being honest here, I rather be a 🐇

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Going to make a lil coloring book for my son’s class for Easter 👏🏽

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is something to 👀 into. White Paper dropped in the discord

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Heard drop the “Mahalo” is that another Hawaiian collector out there?!?!!

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There MAY or MAY NOT be something for the Naked Rabbits 🤷🏽‍♂️ 🤔

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I’m seeing a lot of tweets about being a rug. I own NFTs from etc so I feel for MistFits community. I’ve found new hope and reignited my drive with and their amazing community. Always room in the 🐇🕳️ 🧡

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