The Phantom Thief Pikachuさんのプロフィール画像

The Phantom Thief Pikachuさんのイラストまとめ

Hello, ThePhantomThiefPikachu here! He/Him. I do Let's Plays, draw, and write/draw stories

フォロー数:13 フォロワー数:8

A Favorite of mine that isn't any of these would be Dunsparce. You may think they are useless, but oh they aren't. I'd be spoiling a project of mine if I say more, but I'll just say Dunsparce is cool. :)

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Here’s a few Pokémon that’ll be in my HG Nuz.

I’m planning on doing the comic traditionally since it’s easier for me than digital. Used ink and Prismacolors.

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I forgot to post this picture, so I'll do it now. This is a t-shirt design I made for our trip to Disney, and it's heavily based on the stained glass pictures from Kingdom Hearts, but it tells of the things I plan to do on my trip.

Took me 24 hours, but it was worth it. 8)

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How can people not find scenes like this funny?
(even better when you know this was improvised. xD)

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Colored another Inktober picture

This is one of my favorites from last year. I miss drawing my old OCs. <3

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To be fair, anyone would wonder that.

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I hate drawing flowers. XP

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Pokemon Yellow- the first game I owned
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger- fun series (HD release when?)
Undertale - it has an amazing soundtrack and loveable characters
Kingdom Hearts - This game ignited my love for games. And it features my favorite main protagonist.

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