

CEO of @MoonrockLabs & Minecraft Event Guy | Unpopular Opinion Haver | He/They | 24 | All opinions are your mom’s and do not reflect that of my clients

フォロー数:1733 フォロワー数:62624

ion care whats popular at the time, if i have kids their first video game will be one of these. it's fair game after that but no other games until they beat their first champion

15 295

my artist just sent me an early draft of one of the graphics and im losing my shit

2 162

Simplistic =/= bad. The idea behind voltorb and electrode is interesting imo, maractus is just kind of another forgettable one-stage. if you wanted to show an example of a mediocre pokemon to compare from the generations i brought up, you should've shown me one of these :p

0 2

and thats all folks gg

0 14

dude YES to all of these. my tho?

0 26

Pokémon with tortilla : )

2 171

Someone told me this is real footage I can't be sure but I definitely don't doubt it

4 76