

- I draw cartoons, bake cookies, and stare into the void. Banner by @izuku_sevilla
CCC 26

フォロー数:44 フォロワー数:91

In vein of my older art work trying to redraw other art styles. The legend that is Tucker from Mlaatr is a very expressive person so to do something a bit more neutral like i usually do pfft was extremely challenging for me but it was fun just digging from like 20 refs.

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Some older variants of the first suit i did.

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I'm not gonna use variant 2 but man does the whole bronze gold aesthetic come off really weird but in a good way it's like brown mustard.

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I feel like this piece is a spiritual successor to this old piece from 2020. Also a thing

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Final : You discover a wild nut job in a confined space.

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Update looks like the left is being proffered slightly more than the right.

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Frankie your cellmate won't sleep.

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Stylistic streamline to make for more consistent aand quicker animation. I have a weird method but it works for me atm. I plan to put together a similar but more detailed style for illustration that i want to remain sorta inconsistent.

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