

Minccinojuic ➡️ PinkMinmosa | 🔞 | Illustrator, craft hobbyist, Minccino enthusiast | black | she/her

フォロー数:79 フォロワー数:246

Sorry its been a while! Have this Barbara to make up for it :3

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Hey my name is Sidney!! I don't draw much these days, but I still consider myself an artist!!!! too!

vnmo: pinkminmosa

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looking at some old work I did for a couple years ago aww

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was doodling when i realized i missed baby girls birthday earlier this year😭
miss u yellow 😢

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my old sheith art🥺

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💗 Would you be her Valentine? 💗

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Looking through old files and was like "lemme redraw this lmao"

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Please wish my friend Happy Birthday! He's always crying over Eugeo so he needs some cheering up
I love you Tay!!!!!!!

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May I offer a NT in these trying times

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