Paletta 💕 Radio Interference!さんのプロフィール画像

Paletta 💕 Radio Interference!さんのイラストまとめ

🩷 📺 Comic Artist, Aspiring Vtuber and Alice in Wonderland Enthusiast! | C♡mmissions Open! | She/her | @nauticalnoey 💙

フォロー数:1079 フォロワー数:2443

May replace Yor and Ib later but for now my website has 14 examples I still need

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38+39) Aryn and Maisy! They were random designs I made for a DTIYS challenge but ended up keeping them. Maisy's an overzealous hopeless romantic and Aryn's feelings are mutual, he just happens to panic easily so people think she's holding him hostage

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36) Chrys is the mean Chrysanthemum fairy who kidnaps people and steals names and shiny trinkets, don't trust her

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35) WatF: Sinclaire's the domineering nymph of the foundry, after her home was destroyed the foundry became her new home and the robots that run it follow her every whim (2nd art is @/necroromancers )

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27) AFR: Lucius is a priest and one of the few people in New Verose who know how to kill someone permanently. He works as a reaper to help exorcise folks who are too far gone to keep living, though his scythe has gone missing along with someone else~

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20) Chase is Flash's boyfriend and a werewolf and not much else atm! He's actually a very old character from 2012 I recycled, originally an unwilling robot/wolf hybrid experiment. It was cringey

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18) MC: Fletcher Savine is an arrogant showboaty vampire who wants to bring back his family's old circus. He's one of 10 brothers and the only one who seems to care

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17) Snow was made as like this hypothetical Gorillaz band me and my friends are never gunna start lol. She's Snow White if instead of putting her to sleep the apple turned her into a spider monster

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16) ZEE's a cringy emo kid who died in 2010. She hangs around the graveyard scaring people but likes to disguise herself as a human to go to parties

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