

Tao✨ はぁ たおちゃん かわいい  pls credit me when reposting my fanart thx✨18↑

フォロー数:183 フォロワー数:865


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fanart curly Chen~good luck w/ ur 2nd concert

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speaking of drifting

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连续看到几条不同语言的超萌gif/同人 再想想过几天不需同人也有官方运糖卡车大侧翻 我就疯狂青蛙.gifx9468。。。。生涯一片无悔(脚软,抱住小花哥哥

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ねこあつめ(ios/android)~~ the one above xiumin is sehun n the one under that carton is tao (⊜‿⊜✴)

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【Tao gives you its treasure 'baby brush'】what is this angst baby you keep it

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