

Alex | 23 | They/Them | SFW Art|🔞|
nsfw/Alt @Pinkusdeankus…

フォロー数:714 フォロワー数:193

Thanks! My style is all over the place but these are my faves, I wanna be a story book illustrator eventually so I guess thats a good thing. (All these designs are mine aswell ^^)

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Been working on this gal for a while and she's just been approved so I can share her, made my first soosh in quite some time and I love her so much <3 very pink gal

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Comms for was a pleasure drawing your cuties

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haven't done much pinkart in my new style but I do love pink characters so here's some of my more recent pinkart (designed a new bab thats very pink but can't share em yet)

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btw usually always have requests open, need something inbetween work for fun or I burn out, so post any babs you'd like drawn below! and i'll pick 1 or 2 out from time to time

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this is super old but was browsing through my folders and found this dude, he was gonna be an adopt but idk he just never got uploaded anywhere, oh and the other bab I made to go up with him

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comm 1/2 for such a lovely bab! love their design

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Heck super late but
I'm Alex i'm 19 and I aim to eventually become a story book illustrator! My style went through a rather big change recently but i'm really loving it, here's my most recent work.

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I don't share art here much anymore but wanted to post these, been messing about with my style and was insoired by bok bok choys style and implemented some of the style into this ych i'm doing atm. Will prolly keep it around ^^

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This is late but better late than never, i'm a 19 year old artist, I have a fear of the outside and am often sick so art is my main activity! I started drawing 6 years ago when I hyperfixated on mlp, now its my favourite thing to do.

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