

Hi! We're Pinsignia! A Company for both pin makers and pin collectors alike!

Our Etsy -

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June Pins

Firefly Goat by
Summer Corgi by

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January Pins! Join now to get these when they come in!

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Pinsignia Pal 004 Strummer - by for

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March Pins are at the Manufacturer!

Theme Pin by
Artist Pin by

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Reminder, this month's pins. Become part of our Patreon to get them at the end of the month.

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February Pins have been sent to the manu! I can't wait to see these adorable critters as real pins! The boar is going to be in gold. So CUTE!

If you join our Patreon today, you can still get the January pins, they will just be shipped with the Feb. ones.

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