

Manga/Manhwa Addict

There are many other wonderful webtoons, but the abandoned empress is special and the most memorable for me 🌸

フォロー数:142 フォロワー数:145

Kioku Capsule: Onii-chan to, Mou Ichido.

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Webtoon > Book!!
For the book, there's a slight difference in drawing > is more detail and smooth.


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Eh rambut violet dah panjang!!!

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Dari 4 menurutku ini yg plg bagus https://t.co/pE5wRYaLke

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No isekai/reincarnation/magic/revenge etc.

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Da'hell banget...tiap ep ada aja yg mati 🙃🙃🙃🙃

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Bukan cuma winter, si violet sebenernya juga sama sih, 3 taon kawin ga tau makanan kesukaan suaminya 😂 pdhl dia lbh sering makan bareng winter drpd si ibu pelayan.

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Dari cover novelnya bs ketauan. Menurutku sih ceritanya berbobot ya. Kalo kamu pecinta webtoon yg MLnya bucin or hub ama.FLnya uwu2 mgkn ga cocok nder. Ini webtoon angst. Kalo ibarat drakor, ini macem penthouse gitu 😂😂. Tapi banyak pelajaran soal marriage life dr webtoon ini.

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