

フォロー数:297 フォロワー数:645

star miner ulgrim, default axe, cobalt mecha lance, one of the OG lance skins + nostalgia points and flavor at the same time!

just go with starlight tbh

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Project Onyx / bp5 weapons / Frozen Forest and Starlight are perfect for this skin (I made this loadout in the past, but I was using the S2 synthwave skins, this is definitely a direct upgrade)

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gauntlets from the skin / bp5 sword
almost any color, it's up to you

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atomic hammer (Kor) + bp5 axe
sunset, soulfire, red, starlight, esports v2, almost all

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Galaxy X Nai, bp katars, orion bp spear

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bp guns and default hammer

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🧵Need some space-themed loadouts for your legends? Look no further!

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can change it to Gaia, Frozen Forest, or Starlight colors

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The new color scheme is actually way nicer than I thought when it was revealed. If I could describe it in one word, I'll pick 'aesthetic'.

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