🎈 🚀 PiranhaHAH 🌟🍃さんのプロフィール画像

🎈 🚀 PiranhaHAH 🌟🍃さんのイラストまとめ

✨Motion Media Artist • Banner by @spacialcube ~

Check my folio for other socials I'm active on & feel free to email @ [email protected]!

フォロー数:13 フォロワー数:2806

Saw the tag a number of times in my feed now and forgot I wanted to participate in it. Always here for chill positivity like this ✊

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I keep seeing this an y'know what it's super cute looking- I'm curious hfkSJLDGH

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Some too cause I saw that one goin around fi rs t

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I'm seein all these color art tags and I'm jus sitting here like I doNT KNOW WHAT COLOR MY STUFF HAS MOST AN THERE'S SO MANY OF EM NOW BUT UHHH

HERE'S ?? ??? ??? (lord the Kirby one is so old too hhLHDFHSKDFJ)

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Got in a v ery small doodle kick today, so revisited my goobers human AU designs along with some bonus Braeburn interactions~ (old doots in the corner I never posted so I jus added onto the page pfft)

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Couple of birfday doots I'd recently made for my back to back April frembs~

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AhhHH I took a pass initially since figured you've already got plenty, but I'll toss any of these goobers in for the heck of it!

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Helloo again !🌟

I'm Katherine Leiter, freelance illustrator, motion media, & sprite artist available for short or longterm work!

💌: Piranhartist.com
Portfolio: https://t.co/Tya1gpJGPI
Commission Info: https://t.co/BjuNvceymV

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Couple of commissions I finished yesterday for Ivan-Typhlosion, after they previously commissioned me to do my own personal takes on their character here.~

Comm Info: https://t.co/H7QHuUdke2

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