

I don't understand this site it's for famous people but others use it anyway

I hate all video games and gamers

フォロー数:571 フォロワー数:38

Hana's slut-radar is tingling

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the fact that this is the card you get for supporting on pixiv is so funny to me. Who wouldnt be proud showing this baby off?

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I discovered you when this picture was on deviantarts main page. Sunstone didn't have a name, Anne really was the second sub, allan was a BDSM mastermind???? It's weird to think sunstone was just some sketches and fetishy comic strips. I love the direction you took it.

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Alternatively, his feels good BECAUSE Majima is drowning

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Really like the part where Conrad just came back and Gavin is trying his damnest to keep himself together.

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