

|🇧🇷Brazilian amateur pixel-art hobbyst |Love to pixel and learn even more about it, any critics and/or feedback are welcome

フォロー数:712 フォロワー数:187

🇺🇸Hey everyone, this time i made sort of a graveyard so i could train some different color use and try to animate this light/explosion. 😄👍
🇧🇷Oi pessoal, dessa vez fiz um cemitério pra treinar um pouco outras cores e tentar animar essas luzes/explosão.😄👍

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🇺🇸Hey everyone, managed to get some time to continue working on my background. Huge thnks to everyone who is supporting me aswell as for his tips.

🇧🇷Oi pessoal, consegui um tempo para continuar o fundo de projeto. Agradeço ao apoio de tds e d

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🇺🇸Progress!! Managed to add some stone details and there surely is more to come! Learning a lot and any feedback is welcome!!😁🎨

🇧🇷Progresso!! Consegui adicionar detalhes de pedra e tem mais coisas por vir! Aprendendo muito e qualquer feedback é bem vindo!!😁🎨

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Oi pessoal, podem me chamar de Melo. Sou um artista amador de pixel art e amo muito o que faço 😁🎨
Qualquer tipo de feedback e/ou critica construtiva é bem vinda sempre!

Alguns artistas de pixel BR que admiro

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Heyyy! Thanks for the opportunity! You can call me Melo, im a amateur pixel artist from Brazil. Love to do it and hope to share with everybody who does also 😄

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Hey everyone! You can call me Melo!

I'm a amateur pixel artist from Brazil! I really love what i do and also i try to learn more about it every single day! 😄🎨

Any feedbacks and/or critics are welcome! Thank you for the opportunity, here are some projects i've made:

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Hello everyone, you can call me Melo!

I'm a amateur pixel artist from Brazil. Love doing it and learning each day more about. 🎨😄

Any kind of feedback is really appreciated and i just started here on twitter, thank you for the opportunity!

Here are some of my projects:

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8x8, 16x16 and 32x32 Purple, monstruous and exotic plant originated from my head i guess... 😆😂 Hope not to see one of these selling around.

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8x8,16x16 & 32x32 Space UFO Donut 😂😂 I really started a bit confused with his shape but in the end i got the result i was imagining. Maybe some day we see one of them around... maybe. 🥯🍩

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