

26 - She/Her - Game Artist - former Pokérogue head artist - indie game enjoyer

Chronically ill and ready to chill


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# art

ok HERE is the png

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squished good vibes toto, as a jpeg and png cause I almost like him more without a bg

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I have multiple styles to choose from but the scribbly style is definitely my most popular so try it if you like :>

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repainted another old piece - the first one is from 2016 I believe? both times I used styles I'm not too familiar with haha

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Finished up this painting where I wanted to try out a new workflow while re-drawing the old dragon OC my sona is based on. I overall definitely prefer directly coloring over painting values first but I'll give it another shot in the future

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Reimagined fakemon 3, and for this one... I really don't know what smol me was inspired by here. there was no dex entry or anything to go off of, so I decided to somehow bring this into the classic star sign pattern used by fire strters and make it a snake with psychic hands

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Another Fakemon. The entries young me wrote about this indicated it was a grass/dark starter, but it looked really bug-like so instead of changing the type I made it look more like a basilisk (the multi-legged kind) instead.

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First old reimagined fakemon, old drawing from when I was about 10 and playing through Pearl for the first time. I think it was supposed to be an axolotl, so I decided to really bring out the regenerative abilities of axolotls with limbs made of water. this'll be my water starter

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More random art - trying to just finish stuff and not do my usual thing where I try to go into too much detail and then give up

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Wanted to just paint something random today and just really felt one of the sketches I absentmindedly scribbled during class. So here he is. weird spiky flame plasma whatever dragon. a friend.

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