

47, BAFTA winning, composer, published academic writer, screen actor, founder of @cccSuffolk Creative Computing Club, techno-philanthropist aka Pixelh8.

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:2694

So glad my American friends are celebrating their freedom and getting away from a tyrannical leader.

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Setiment/visual analysis of George Osbourne's Autumn Statement.

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I'm done, this takes Homer's Odyssey does sentiment analysis / word analysis and generates animation.

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So it's coming up pretty good now with 156k dictionary, only names & possesive nouns creating errors.

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cool I am doing a frequency analysis of Homer's Odyssey :) Thank you.

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This is me ready, to go to the gig tonight.

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Look @ the retro artwork :) out early 2013, hopefully :)

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