


フォロー数:4528 フォロワー数:21120

My NFT pick during this bear market

Land, Token, Game weeks away. Free secondary NFT mint, free NFT cards to collect/trade/play. Earn the Goons token daily, automatically

Full disclosure: I own almost 200 of these

10 41

Just bought my 186th Goon, ready for our mission to the moon 🌝

Buy a between now and Monday at 10am EST and you’re entered to win crypto or a free Goon 🔥

16 73

Just bought my 185th 🙌
Rarity 250 / 9,696
Fur -- Neon Blue
Mouth -- Moth (1 of 17 with this trait)

Never had so much conviction in a project 😍

5 58

Picked up my 184th

Possibly most undervalued project in this space. Under 0.2eth floor and more already built than 99% of projects

Make it make sense

4 44

This BAYC tribute card was just released today. Just in time for the 1 year anniversary 🍻

1 15

Just bought my 181st Goon 🐋

Eyes - Laser (1%)
Hat - Sakkat (1%)
Horns - Manhattan (2%)

Goons about to hit HARD, tell ur frens

6 34

So close I can almost taste it 🔥

1 7

Thanks for the Goon :)

3 33

We have a long anticipated Card Pack reveal in a few weeks! for every Goon of Balatroon you buy, you get a free Card Pack. Also you earn $GOB for keeping Goons unlisted which will be dex listed this month and can be used to buy more cards 🤝

take a peek!

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