

Vidder. Sometimes I do reaction threads of shows I deem worthy. 25. Opinionated af.

#SavePalestine #PrayforLebanon

フォロー数:705 フォロワー数:899

Day - Favourite Road Trip || Their road trip to Georgia in 1x11

I adore their scenes this episode! They bonded and like Damon referred to it later on. They were having fun, there was no manipulations. It was just pure realness and bonding 😍

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Day - Favourite Delena obstacle/antagonist they overcome || The Universe

Find me a pair that is such proven soulmates they literally fought the universe that wanted her with another guy&they won,You can't because my iconic babies are 1 of a kind

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Day - Favourite Underrated Moment || When they fought over the covers in 3x08

This whole scene jumped out with the married material! He teased her, they fought over the covers till she gave up 😂, they talked about their day&he watched her sleep

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Day - The Moment I knew Delena would be endgame || Their Future talk and the kiss in 5x22

Tbh I was holding my breath the entirety of Season 5, but this talk let me release it, they were endgame, life didn't matter if they didn't have each other

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