

Indie games publisher from 🇫🇷
Mobile: Dead Cells, Loop Hero, Little Nightmares, Skul
PC/Console: Linkito, Fretless, Crown Gambit
Children of Morta out now!

フォロー数:590 フォロワー数:15349

We need help players : what's the best shield and why?

3 47

It's the beginning of the Summer season! Do you have a list of games you are going to play? (if you say one of our games it's going to warm our hearts but if not that's ok...we can take it...🥺)

1 46

Don't forget players, you can always use the training room to find the best way to destroy bosses. We know you'll get them in the end!

0 32

The lands of are filled with mysteries...will they make your clan prosper or will they bring its doom? Find out now on and


2 17

It's time for ou Monday Question! It's been almost 3 weeks since the release of so players, what's your favorite character?

1 15

The AI in is no match for you skills? Try playing against other players in a free for all game! You can even fight alongside your friends in 2v2 and 3v3 matches!


2 20

Kill. Die. Learn. Kill. Die. Learn. Kill. Die. Learn. Kill. didn't learn anything this time admit it! Yeah we know you don't like to use a shield but you're going to have to learn how to at some point!


8 36

Today marks the end of our special launch price for the arrival of on and Hurry up if you want to get the game at a discounted price!

🍎 :
🤖 :

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It's already our 4th question during this anniversary week and today we are looking at the beloved ! Can you name all 3 DLCs available on mobile?

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2nd question of our 7th anniversary week : As you know, is coming out next week on and but the game just celebrated its anniversary on other plateforms ! How long ago was the game's first release?

4 31