

🇹🇼🇺🇸Gnomon 2024' | SCAD 2021' | 3D Rigger/ VFX / Digital Artist | @PirateLesson crew | Email: [email protected] | l love birds ÒvÓ

フォロー数:1724 フォロワー数:3428

I did another one! Why am I enjoying drawing her xD
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118 648

Just go to bed earlier today, nothing will change

13 106

[MFF18] Sorry ... birb party just for birbs

17 86

[MFF18]I was actually in raptures that having an opportunity to teach my favorite artists how to juggle xDDDDD

11 90

[MFF18] I still don't know what that is but we have to keep passing it

5 87

[MFF18] Why why I'm so confused I am the real

7 67

[MFF18] Finish your pizza !!!!

5 59

I'm at the airport BUT THIS IS MY CHANCE!!!! 👅👅👅

6 33