

Im 28 Ger and Eng i post mostly about Dmc Bayo and alot of other Cool stuff and Sometimes i do Analyse on games sometimes also i like ZZZ,

フォロー数:4606 フォロワー数:713

u know i find it funny that Skarlet has a Cyber lin Kuei skin in MK 9 even tho she didnt join them. like in MK11 we get finally some connection but i hope MK12 makes the Connection better btw Skarlet and Sub zero and Lin Kuei. like Kuei liang was a Cyborg to in MK9.

1 5

All these did comeback big Kratos then dante now Bayonetta all what missing is Ryu Hayabusa Return.

63 398

well this was in Magazine lol still who knows.

15 66

hey guys one funny thing about the Lady/Trish having Bikinis
this art was made for Magazine i dont know why but yeah wouldnt be the first time for lady etc.
still a beach episode why not.

38 144

The Devil may cry x PuzzlexDragon crossover like Lucia is even there.

10 40

Not my Edits but still looks Cool from the Source:

4 16

Dmc3 is my faviorte game on the Ps2 even now and one thing i never see about DMC vids etc.its something that not everywone knows of course.

Kamiya said in an Interview Itsuno and bingo did the Story and gameplay,but he did help with DMC 3 lorewise so dmc 3 has some kamiya in it

4 11

My Analysis about Star wars and the Prequal trilogy and Devil may cry 4 and 5 why Nero and Anakin skywalker are Pretty smilier and the future of the series

17 61