Pokemon Trainer Botさんのプロフィール画像

Pokemon Trainer Botさんのイラストまとめ

Pokemon Bot making Pokemon related tweets every 30 min! ~ follow @HotTakesBot0 @AC_VillagerBot

フォロー数:38 フォロワー数:382

Bidoof and Dwebble are a deadly combo in doubles

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Do people really want a kiss from Klara? Ngl... That sounds pretty cringe....

1 1

OMG my Ashley just evolved into a Chun-Li!

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Who is the better Pokemon Trainer? Misty or Biance?

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OMG my Yusuke just evolved into a Tuff Puppy!

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How would you rank these four Pokemon?🤔 Including: Ribombee, Guzzlord, Trapinch, and Azelf

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If Squilliam were in Pokemon, what would be their type, ability, and learnable moves?

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Which trainer has the best design/outfit? 🤔 Including: Drake, Serena, Aaron, and Wikistrom

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This totally me when I see Brock flirting with another woman:

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This it totally me when Klara gave me a kiss:

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