

Catch me on stream every Tuesday and Friday! Visit my Etsy for handmade art!…

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Gimmighoul, the Coin Chest Pokémon! From the words “Gimmie” and “Ghoul”, it’s name implies it’s greedy nature. Though it may also come from “Gimmick,” cheekily alluding to the prevalence of Mimic Chests in many RPG’s. Perfect for a Paldean Treasure hunt!

10 107

“But why a new species and not a new Form?!?” You scream, and I tap the side of my nose like Santaw.

Why not? We have tons of other examples of Pokémon evolving similar features despite no official relation.

10 75

What is life even if you aren’t constantly swinging between “I’m the hottest shit alive” and “no one is worse than me”?

There are two wolves inside you:

27 185

Last night my Sis and Cousin came over for a Feline Double Feature night 😽 We watched CATS and then The Cat Returns, it was a great pairing because so many of the same things happen but one is good and one is indescribably bad

6 86

Me at my two extremes

11 110

🎶I chime in with a “Haven’t you people ever heard of - closing the ... 🎶

19 160

🎶 Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters....🎶

37 296

Despite all my rage I’m still just a

14 152