

English|中文|日本語 (練習中)|Taiwanese Tetris Player/Content Creator|Aspiring Artist|YouTube: youtube.com/@PokeDialga|Pixiv: pixiv.net/users/24647050

フォロー数:230 フォロワー数:824

Summer 夏
Really happy with how this turned out ( ´ ▽ ` )

1 19

Tried drawing a Summer themed Emilia :DD
夏リアを描いてみた :D

31 191

Just your normal Rinnegan

0 12


0 4

I drew a Scottish Pokemon Trainer :DDD

1 30

I finally drew a "normal" Emilia lol
やっと普通のエミリアを描いた w

35 188

Turned out pretty well :DD

12 57

I was just drawing random shapes and stuff I swear.

0 10

and it actually fits lol

0 8

Didn't really like how the previous looking-back pose looked so I tried drawing another one. Turned out much better this time :D

0 7