

I respond to any #pokemonNames with a PokéDex entry. I'll also respond about Pokémon if you @ me.

No 8th gen at the moment.

By: @lucasconnellm

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:1279

lucario is a fighting pokemon.
By reading the auras of all things, it can tell how
others are feeling from over half a mile away.

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eevee is a normal pokemon.
Its irregularly
configured DNA is
affected by itssurroundings. It
evolves if its en­
vironment changes.

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garchomp is a dragon pokemon.
It is said that when one runs at
high speed, its wings create blades
of wind that can fell nearby trees.

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lucario is a fighting pokemon.
By reading the auras of all things,
it can tell how others are feeling
from over half a mile away.

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mienshao is a fighting pokemon.
Using the long fur on its arms like whips, it
launches into combo attacks that, once started,
no one can stop.

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larvesta is a bug pokemon.
Said to have been born from the sun, it spews fire
from its horns and encases itself in a cocoon of fire
when it evolves.

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sentret is a normal pokemon.
When acting as a lookout, it warns others of danger
by screeching and hitting the ground with its tail.

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sentret is a normal pokemon.
It has a very nervous nature.
It stands up high on its tail so it
can scan wide areas.

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eevee is a normal pokemon.
A rare Pokémon that adapts to harsh environments
by taking on different evolutionary forms.

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ponyta is a fire pokemon.
Its body is light, and its legs are
incredibly powerful. It can clear
Ayers Rock in one leap.

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