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Combee honey is a tasty treat! It would be so sad to not have honey.. Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a problem that endangers all social bee colonies. Pesticide use, climate change, habitat loss, disease, and mites all contribute to CCD. Do your part and grow local flowers! 🌸
Solrock says put on sunscreen to protect your self from harmful UV rays!
Vanilluxe is the result of two Vanillish melted together. Covered in a swirled, white substance that resembles ice cream, Vanilluxe appears to resemble a large ice cream treat! 🍦 Wonder if vanilluxe has other flavors?
Durant is a bug-steel Pokémon which lives in colonies. Did you know all worker ants are female clones? Wouldn’t this make all durant female? Is there a queen in the colony? Vespiquen seems to play the role as queen bee in combee hives. Maybe there is more to learn about durant!
Torterra's large shell supports many small Pokémon, which occasionally gather and build their nests there. Some are born and spend most of their life in the shell. Tortoise fact: At 183 years old Jonathan is the oldest living tortoise. He may have many years left in him!
Did you know Vileplume is based on the Rafflesia arnoldii, the “corpse flower,” a foul-smelling flower. It’s also the world's largest flower! The corpse flower has a very hard time becoming pollinated. They bloom rarely and also need many variables to be perfect to reproduce.
Some towns use Electabuzz as lighting rods as they like to seek out lighting.⚡️ The most a human has been hit by lightning is 7 times!! This was ex-park ranger Roy C. Sullivan- USA. (Black mark on hat is from lighting)
Trubbish says pick up your trash! Don’t liter! Collect your trash in bags please.
Tentacruel communicates with others by lighting up the red orbs on its head. When the orbs are blinking, it's a warning sign. The lion's mane jellyfish might seem like a real life tentacruel. It’s the worlds largest jelly! Its tentacles can be 37 m (120 ft) long!!