

⸬⸫⸫⁘⸪⸫⸫⁘⸫⁘⸭⸬⸫⁘⁎⁘⁘⸫⸬⁑⸬@klondk⸬⸫⁘⁎⁙⸬⁘⁘⁎⸫⸫⸪․⸫‧ ‧‧⸪⸬⁘⁘⸫⸫⸭⁙⸬vignettesga.me // nuts.game⸪⸪⁙⸭․⁙⁘․⁎⁘⁘⸫⁎⸫⁘⸪⸪⁘⁑⸫․⸭⸫⸫‧⸫‧⁘

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snipped a chuchu gif for when im sleepy. feel free to use when youre sleepy https://t.co/w0SE2c1hd0

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august variant for my locals 😌

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seeing people's late mermay things yesterday made me want to draw some too

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happy june

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boc the seamster

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i might keep gnawing at it but to be honest i might also cave and get eldie ringie and disappear for several months, so no promises. music in the video above is from Golden Diskó Ship! https://t.co/76eollDXfe

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oh gee look at the time (utena fanart time)

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this is mecha design to me

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had to sneak in a few gobs before ends

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