

Covering video games, entertainment, and the culture around them. We find, share, and investigate the things you love and the people who make and enjoy them.

フォロー数:105 フォロワー数:937048

Killer Instinct on Xbox One is getting a Halo crossover soon https://t.co/GQhKMgRRdi

20 49

Fire Emblem Fates offers three sides of one long, great story. Read our review for more https://t.co/tdl4pWenth

18 36

Fire Emblem Fates tells a long, gripping story over three games. Check out our review https://t.co/tdl4pWenth

23 51

Netflix has a pair of socks that pause what's playing when you fall asleep https://t.co/5b4S2IWb4c

50 59

Watch the final Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer right now! https://t.co/bPg0C2tIfg

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Back to the Future's Doc and Marty disappointed with 2015 in new animated video http://t.co/RSUlFCdFfi

48 65

What a children's show can teach us about sex and healthy relationships http://t.co/Ebm9MvUwXH

50 96

Kickstarter and the illusion of the $500,000 game http://t.co/G4sERzB4A3

30 35

What are the economics of an $8.7 million card game? http://t.co/UQ8IzFL9jP

22 21

This The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D poster is stunning. Let’s uncover its secrets. http://t.co/kORdcSCmTd

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