

MLP fan-artist | The fandom edgelord | cricketer | Support me: ko-fi.com/ponyberserker | Business: DM - open for freelance work!

フォロー数:304 フォロワー数:3190

Hello, Pony-Berserker here and for today's we'll have this 2016 comic of mine with Spike and Ember! (click to see full, of course)
DA link: https://t.co/s788v7mnsh

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For today's we'll revisit my 2015 short comic revealing what REALLY happened to Applejack and Apple Bloom's parents. This is my headcanon.
DA link: https://t.co/ZXHNanFxMR
Also... has it really been 5 years since I drew it?

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Looks like my country, Poland, is truly taking the pandemic head-on, given the snowballing number of daily cases. First months here were pretty tame and now, suddenly, we're 6th in the world in new daily cases, even ahead of Brazil. Frankly, I have no clue what caused this...

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For today's we'll have this 2015 comic about Derpy's official name change :) One of my personal favorite works.
DA link: https://t.co/qw51eapHUl

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OK, we gotta talk about important stuff. Hippogriffs. Queen Novo has feathers for mane/tail. But most hippogriffs, incl. Silverstream seem to have normal hair but Terramar clearly has feathers. Most artists (Example here by ) draw hair too... What's right?

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