

PHD in bnuuy | White, Aroace, Trans, 8teen | Insta: vincentinidraws | NSFW DNI |

フォロー数:1141 フォロワー数:414

Hi heres my promo I’m Vincent a trans aroace artist I draw cool stuff and you should follow me to see my cool art 💪

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I did a rlly quick doodle of asterius last night, I think hes pretty neat

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I’m Vincent! I do digital art on my ipad and usually draw ocs or stuff from games ^^!

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Did ’s DTIYS!! It was nice to finally draw springy again its been a while :}

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Im vincent !! Im into fnaf and loz and other games like that, but recently ive been drawing a lot of mine and my friends’ ocs !!

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Frankie and I were talking about Puriel selling toy phones and Aurora supporting as much as they could

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Not entirely sure what this hashtag is about but I’d love it if my art was able to reach more people !!! Drawing is a hobby of mine and making people happy with my art is one of my biggest goals ^^

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These Keatons are looking a little unusual ngl

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I drew ’s puriel again I like drawing it a lot! They’re based off the second pic

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