

I just retweet art I like

Shenhe fave Genshin character, Black Swan favorite HSR Character

Black Swan x Stelle/Caelus best HSR ship

Tekken main: Lili

フォロー数:291 フォロワー数:672

Yanfei on her way to unfreeze Yelan be like:

6 194

The way you draw Miko is actually so beautiful

Smol Miko is the cutest thing on earth
Big Miko is the most Majestic animal
I love it ❤

42 908

When you see the guy that kicked your ass and sealed you mourning over a rock

7 433

Already play Genshin but I guess they just wanted to let me know there was an ad of Shenhe and Aether featuring the best part of Shenhes teaser

I'll take the content tyvm

0 18

On her way to Mondstadt to go and murder some of Timmies pigeons

21 613

I think out of all these comics you do smol miko is my favorite, you make her look so cute ❤

2 326

Yelan finally found some happiness and a bit of peace, happy for her

That is until Rauden starts chasing her with sweets 😂

8 265

Yae Miko did not like that so much she left smol miko form.... run Shinobu

Now I wanna see Yelan get chased by Raiden who tries to force her to eat sweets 😂

1 258

Yelans Bizarre adventure featuring:

"How did I end up here" Yelan
Sleeping on the job Ganyu
Rock Enthusiast Zhongli
Just a tad of murder Shenhe

12 593

These two together are just

0 1