

20 | Be cringe, get bullied, continue to be cringe

フォロー数:142 フォロワー数:88

Drew Toon Link, he cool

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Art from an YT frog... Pogchamp... that's what the twitch people say right?

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Loved your bussy tier list, however Chong Yun should have clearly been in "would let peg me" tier.
Also drew this, tho I was in a call so brain rot started to set in while I was inking and coloring, so I hope this came out extra white washed. ;]

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I vividly remember the day a little mf poured sprite on my KH2 disc, That was the last time I pressed X in that game.

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Fizz: What should I caption this?

Kim: IDK bruh name it something

Fizz: Lens flare Pog?

Kim: "...*Presents a detailed explanation on what I did wrong on the lens flare*

Fizz: Cool.. so no?

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Finished a commission for
The Twitter cropping really fucked me over with this one

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