

I'm a let's player. Love to talk video games. 26. Switch Friend Code: 3621-3603-1043

フォロー数:667 フォロワー数:588

We need someone with a hammer.

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My top 5 games of 2020:

1. Persona 5 Royal
2. Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition
3. Persona 4 Golden
4. Final Fantasy 7 Remake
5. Kirby Fighters 2

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The ensuing conversation I had under this Tweet has probably resulted in the greatest loss of brain cells I ever had in such a short amount of time. Why can't anyone say they don't like Fire Emblem in any capacity without these Black Knights showing up and skewering you for it? https://t.co/ZLUhZptaYS

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Thoughts on this character getting into Smash?

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Without saying your age, post four games that came out when you were fourteen. https://t.co/w44pA1qB4X

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