

Dinosaurs, animals, videogames, cartoons, animation, Kaiju, movies, art and stuff. I draw sometimes.

フォロー数:3467 フォロワー数:422

I've always loved Roadrunner crossovers, just seems like a cool character to do it with!

6 170

This show legit has some of the best kid show villains I've ever had the pleasure to grow up with. I can still remember their names too! Doctor Two Brains, The Butcher, Granny May, Mr. Big, & Chuck The Evil Sandwich Making Guy...lol. They're all so good!

1 13

But in the other hand. The some of the redeeming qualities that Ian Flynn shows with Shadow are enough to show me that's it's not all bad. Overall tho, I feel the main thing that needs to be changed are the Sega mandates for Shadow, that is what's really holding Shadow back.

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Thank you, I try my best with all the characters I draw!

3 36

The way I drew this Sonic was also the same. I found some references from pictures and used them to fit everything together!

1 6

Why I do say, he is looking quite dashing!

2 13