

Engineer, seafarer and miniature enthusiast #Warmongers #miniaturemonday #horusheresy #killteam

Backup account @Portas31k

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Not a fan of the new Death Guard Praetor. Looks a bit too 40k and why doesn't it have a power scythe?

Would fit in perfectly with a 40k army.

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I want to paint everything in this boxset. My least favourite are the spell master heroes but I even want to paint them. This might be a must buy.

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Dark Eldar vs Sisters of battle sater boxset. Now that's very tempting!

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Really like that the skitarii are getting some attention. Going to take me a while to work out how to chaos these up a bit

1 9

Doesn't look similar, the superior has a plasma pistol and sword down where as these have swords up and bolt pistols.

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Hope Warhammer Legends includes rules for long lost characters. I've been looking for an excuse to pick up a Macharius on eBay as I loved the books and would like to have him lead my Vostroyans

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