

Name's Emmy!

I draw animal people and kink art
❌ Minors DNI ❌

🇨🇦 FR Canadian
♂️ He/Him - 28
❤ Ace/Gay 🖤🤍💜
🎬 Animator & Illustrator


フォロー数:482 フォロワー数:11977

Have I killed an OC?


1 8

Favourite OC is a really hard one... But I'd like to say my DND Kobold, Oz. Embodying him really gave a sort of additional dimension to play with and he's just a lot of fun to imagine in the most ridiculous scenarios.

Close with him would be Sol, gremlin baby 💜

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On a similar note, decided to do a Lightner version of the yeen sona.

Wanted to go for a bard, but inspired through glam metal and giving him the ability: Yeen Scream

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My friend wanted to be a spade-dog from Deltarune and so we had a blast designing that together!

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Oops, I'm a scruffy aged dragon now 👀

18 115

Have some of my DND barbarian Kobold, Oz

Always ready to show his ridiculous strength for good and evil... And nothing in particular.

10 92

Doodles from today's stream ✨

27 183

Roaming around the spooky house 👻

49 272

Oh it's fat bunny week or somethin' uhh... have this piece from 2019!

Thicc and squeaky

12 84

And another batch for good measure

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