

Funny robot and microbe stan

フォロー数:432 フォロワー数:100

I can't believe I caved for the sword and shield dlc, but when I heard my boi pallosand was in there, you know I couldn't resist

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The news of spinosaurus being the first aquatic dinosaur is so cool!! (Link for context: https://t.co/VwuDr4CQBM)

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Oh god, my viewers (namely ) work waaaaaay too quickly on new memes... and I love it!!

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Hoo boy, we sure did make some abominations tonight, didn't we?

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Polteageist is one sassy looking ‘mon, I’m definitely adding one to my team! (And not because of my name!)

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Boi if an SNK character gets into smash, I’m going back to speed running Metal Slug X, I promise! (Please give us a SNK character Nintendo)

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Oh boy, do I sure love to play my Super Mario Maker (2), gee golly gosh, do I love the new stuff! https://t.co/npSdELCP8E

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. I mean, I wouldn't say I hated making this

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Also, here's to hoping that shiny Wooloo is pink

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