

26, futbol is life (striker) , planning a return to streaming soooo..Check me out on twitch @/Poweredupdeku !

フォロー数:1611 フォロワー数:195

Not only that , she drew this for me as a bonus , this is very sweet of you , didn’t have to do this but I appreciate this and you way more than you think , will commission you again in the very near future so looking forward to working with you again

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The biggest of shout outs to cheeb , these pieces are so amazing , I’m proud to see you come this far in your art , if any of you want a piece for yourself please please please consider aiko, she won’t disappoint , I guarantee you’ll love it

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The beginning of accepting each other ... a true rivalry has begun

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Toga in a hit ... manga and animated

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Day ain’t over yet... dinner shift tonight , this is fine... rip

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There are so many games coming out these next couple months ... the bnha game comes out next month ... pokemon the month after and smash after that oh god... what a time to be alive

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