

Prehistoric Graphic Activity research group in the International Institute of Prehistoric Research of Cantabria - IIIPC (University of Cantabria).

フォロー数:3307 フォロワー数:2284

This graphic motif is not unusual in Palaeolithic art. It appears in numerous caves in the Cantabrian region and the French Pyrenees, suggesting the existence of a network of contacts between the two regions.

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📸The Palaeolithic representations appear mainly in two different panels, the main one located in the half-light of the cave’s vestibule, and a second one in the inner chamber. The main panel has 10 depictions, including several deer, two ibexes, one horse and one bovid.

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‼️ The most common animal in Les Merveilles is the horse. However, perhaps the most iconic representation of the cave is the probable moose. This black-painted cervid has no horns and its tail is too long. However, we can identify it by its long, slender legs and elongated snout.

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🪔👇🏻😉This week we started the project L ▲ MP ▲ ST financed by the Department of Archivescience at the and by the Before-Art project (; ; ).

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➡️These examples of schematic representations defined by small strokes and internal filling with geometric decoration without anatomical details, can be found in other sites of the French Perigord such as Morin, Rochereil and Pont d´Ambon.

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