

Updates from Prequel, a reader-driven adventure set in the world of Oblivion.

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I feel like there should be art with this too, so here's a drawing of Katia updating the comic.

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Speaking of debt being pain: there's also a new T-shirt up for preorder! I don't know if society has recovered to the point where people are once again buying $30 T-shirts, but we can find out together. It's a fancy one:

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Since that update took more than a month I took the party hat. I'm keeping the green ribbon, though.

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I don't think taking 30 days for an update is quite deserving of another hat, so the Hatmster just gets another ribbon on his party hat. His disappointment is palpable. Sorry, Hatmster.

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3.) The Visual Cat-a-log! The comic's archive page is just a lackluster list of titles, so SilentOrbweaver made this fancy page that shows you one panel from every update, in sequence. It gets fancy as you scroll down and mouseover things.

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2.) The fanart page! People more talented than me are constantly uploading art/writing. This comic is by semiafro007, and I'm going to do the Geordi La Forge thing and make you go to the Fanart page if you want to see what happens.

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It's pretty hard to put another hat on top of a fez without covering it. One of the site moderators, AMKitsune, drew this and pointed out that another hat could go on top of the party hat much more easily. Now the Hatmster has a party hat.

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That technically came in less than a month, but it was exactly one hour less than a month. I don't think the hatmster loses or gains any hats for that.

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I guess since I updated twice in the last 30 days the hatmster gets a hat? In retrospect my rules on that were really vague. It was a small update though so he gets a small hat. He feels it to be an inadequate replacement for his ten-gallon.

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