

Pteranodon enthusiast, Writer, King of the Dinosaurs, and memer to the core.…

フォロー数:334 フォロワー数:174

blue is who I wanna add to my list of mains, red is what I'll go back to when I'm inevitably bad at playing every single one of my newcomer picks.

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Hey what's up everyone I'm here to enhance (or ruin) your day by making you aware that Porgs were basically real. Meet Anurognathus, an extinct pterosaur from the Jurassic era. That's something you know now.

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Happy birthday to the new star of the Sharknado franchise, !

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Almost had a literal heart attack when I woke up this morning and saw this, then I realized what it is and how dumb I am.

1 12

I think the question we need to be asking is why didn't tell us she's starring in the new movie

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