

Naruto/Boruto. I also like Baseball & Football #RepBX #TogetherBlue

フォロー数:1477 フォロワー数:8955

“Ay bruh, are they really still using my shit a 100 years later?”

7 41

Welp we now know how victor got his regeneration in chapter 16! Hashirama cells (theory)

1 14

Hagaromos seals, Isshiki wish granting

0 7

The red theme continues. Look behind jigen in the first pic

7 49

If Isshiki attacks the village with the jūbi, ish is going to get real! This is a casual scatter shot 💀

2 12

“Borutos anime is filler”

The writers have told us outer members are going to try and over throw naruto and the feudal lord. And then we get this juicy little piece in the manga, borutos field trip brought up to a outer kara member...

Get out of here with that rubbish!

22 90

First things first, Sasuke is a avenger! The more he’s backed into a corner, the more he shins.

2 13

“No, no, not yet my dear blue eyed boy.....”

“It’s still a ways away.....”

“That you’ll.... lose it all”

2 23